



It reads and it is a thing that the silhouette of the body is very steady that thought as for "busou-renkin". Do not look considerably beautiful if this is steady. There was this, too and the practice of the picture was held concurrently a…


武装錬金 (10) (ジャンプ・コミックス)作者: 和月伸宏出版社/メーカー: 集英社発売日: 2006/04/04メディア: コミック クリック: 21回この商品を含むブログ (184件) を見るIt tried to read Mr.watuki's "busou-renkin" as well as last time.It is still goo…

You're So Great

And I feel the lightIn the night and in the day And I feel the lightWhen the skys just mud and grey And I feel the lightWhen you tell me its ok Cos youre so great, and I love you


It looks like PV of "Virtual Insanity" of "Jamiroquai" and it is so. This PV of "Jamiroquai" shall not be happy even if it sees now.