



コンティニュー (Vol.30)作者: コンティニュー編集部出版社/メーカー: 太田出版発売日: 2006/10/17メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)この商品を含むブログ (18件) を見るIt bought it because it was published when noticing. However, the buying intentio…

Only Shallow

The video is not put though it likes "When you sleep".「When you sleep」が好きなんだけどビデオないんだねぇ。久しぶりに音楽にたゆたいながら絵を描いていたよ。

Purple Haze

Hendrix terrible only is good at guitar and doesn't end.The guitarist who feels the soul is few though there are all over the world a lot of guitarists only of good.However, only good is trivial.I think that it was not able to understand i…